How to improve your confidence, Read this


1. Improve your skills

This may seem obvious but mastering your craft will make you more confident

Learn and improve on a daily basis.

2. Exercise

The hormones released when exercising will boost your confidence.

3+ sessions a week will make you feel better both mentally and physically.

3. Improve your body language

A negative body language can make you feel nervous and awkward.

Stand up straight, shoulders back, head up. It will display confidence to both you and the world. 

4. Accept your flaws

When you accept your flaws they have no power over you.

Embrace them as a part of you and you'll be more confident.

5. Invest in yourself

Invest in your

- Skills

- Health

- Knowledge

- Appearance

Improving yourself boosts your confidence.

6. Face your fears

Step out of your comfort zone and face the scary stuff.

Turn that fear into courage.

7. Focus on what you can control

Worrying destroys our confidence and makes us miserable.

You need to generate your energy for the things you can do something about.

If it's outside of your control, let it go.

Credit | via Twitter | FI mindset 

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